Friday, August 26, 2011

Marvelous happenings.

  Sorry for the absenteeism Phina folks!  School has been crazy crazy crazy lately!  The good news:  Thanks to The Phina Project, my next quarter of school is paid for! woot. woot.  I have also recently discovered that I am on the Dean's Honor Roll.  I don't think I have been on any kind of Honor Roll, let alone the Dean's, since I was a freshmen in high school.  Again with the woot. woot.  I do love finally being back to school, and the craziness is pushing me more creatively than I have ever been pushed before. 

  Now, for what you have all been waiting for.  It is my greatest pleasure to introduce you to the most recent additions to The Phina Project.

The Mr. Monkey Doll.  Mr. Monkey is playful, and always fun to be around.  He is my first animal attempt and is for my nephew's first birthday.

The Spider-man'Action Figure'.  He is a lover at heart and a hater of all evil doing.  Another experimental Phina doll, The Spider-man is for my other nephew who is a Spider-man addict.
The Lady Monster Doll has a sweet innocence about her.  I have been wanting to make some monsters for quite some time now, especially after watching the Weepies - the World Spins Madly On video. 

For those of you who have not seen the music video...Enjoy:

  As I mentioned earlier, school has had me running and slightly insane lately.  So far this week I have had a night of 3 hours of sleep, 4 hours of sleep, and 5 hours of sleep.  Two of those (extremely) late nights were due to homework, and one was due to The Phina Project (I just got caught up and lost track of time...that's when you know you love what you do).  Today (after a full 6 hours of sleep) I spent 9 hours in the screen printing lab printing my second project for the class.  "Why" you ask "would you spend NINE hours at the school on a precious, precious day off?"  Well, I'll tell you.  I spent the first few hours finishing up my homework and the rest was spent on.....wait for it......

                  ..........wait for it..........

                BUSINESS CARDS!
Each card has the same front and come in four different colors: Orange, Green, Pink, and White.

The green doesn't show up very well in the picture, but trust me: it looks pretty sweet!  This is one back.

Another back to represent The Phina Project (each has the blank space to write down my phone number or email address).

The third back.  Her registration doesn't line up exactly, but we'll just call that 'added personality'.

 If you don't know much about the screen printing process, let me just tell you: no one does.  Everyone I have ever talked to that does silk screening has just kind of figured it out and made it up as they go.  A couple weeks ago my Design Layout assignment was the make a business card.  Thinking it would be fun to actually make my own business cards, I started to screen print them.  Sadly, I was unable to get them finished in time for my Design Layout class, so I just printed them off (boring, I know) and turned them in.  My teacher said he really liked them and wants me to bring in some when I have finished screen printing them, he even asked if he could keep the three I printed off.  That may not sound like a big deal, but to have an art teacher ask to keep your work is kind of a big deal (at least for me it is).  I like the idea of having different colored cards with different backs to them.  It adds just a little more variety and personality.  The registration (lining them up) was a bit of a beast for the backs, as you can tell on the little monster.  Registration on the front, and getting it to line up with the back, was a lot easier than I had anticipated...a LOT easier.  I like them.  They were pretty time consuming, so I may not screen print many, I'll just take the file to Kinko's and have them do the hard work.  So far I have been told there is a couple local businesses in the area that like hand made items and will display business cards, including Meininger's (a hot little art store a few blocks from me), who actually asked me to bring the cards in when they are ready.  Hopefully I'll get some more orders and be able to pay for future quarters of school (finger's crossed)!  I can then bobble my head and declare: Mm, yes. Business. Business. Business.  I may even be tempted to say, 'It's business time'.

(Oh, Flight of the Conchords.  You are delightfully funny though slightly inappropriate)

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