Sunday, January 25, 2015

Bo the Reverent Sheep

My father-in-law (still weird to say) has taught primary for years. He has a reverent ladybug for his kids to pass around to whomever is being the 'most reverent'. I was recently called to be a primary teacher (also weird). Nine 4-5 year olds can be a little overwhelming coming from 13 years of singles wards. Last week they were all over the place.  Crazy little monsters. Kevin suggested I try some kind of reverent something to help. He shot down my great idea to do a Reverent Reverend. I thought a line of religeous dolls would be funny. A Rabbid Rabbi. Profitable Prophet. Funky Father. Alas, I decided a Reverent Lamb would probably be the most appropriate. The kids named him Bo and he was quite the hit! Each child took turns passing Bo around to the next. Competing in reverence, I'll take it.