Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Potter Thief.

My wonderfully supportive friend, Leslie (who is quite possibly one of the biggest Harry Potter fans I have ever had the privilege of meeting), ordered a Harry Potter doll the moment she saw him on the blog.  She has been excited all week to get him and he just arrived today. 
(Tangent:  When I went to the Post Office to mail Harry to her, the postal worker stood him up and danced him around, all the while talking in a British accent worse than mine...which is saying something very, very sad.  I asked if Harry would be okay in what I was about to send him in and the postal worker looked at me with a worried look on his face and told me that I had better poke some holes in the packaging so Harry could breath.  He was quite convincingly concerned about my rudeness surrounding Harry's comfort, it was rather fantastic.)  
Sorry, back to my main story...Where was I?  Ah, yes: Leslie has been excited all week to get him and he just arrived today.  I don't think she got to have him to herself for 5 minutes before a cute little thief discovered the mini HP.

She text me a little later to let me know that Gabey (the cute little thief) was sitting in bed watching Part 1 of the 7th Harry Potter and asking the doll why he lets Snape be so mean to him.  The image of a concerned 4 year-old who is obsessed with Harry Potter deep in conversation with his new little friend totally and completely made my night.

Thank you Leslie and Gabey for being so super fantastically awesome!

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