Monday, September 12, 2011


I am finally settled in from my 'big move' (a whopping 2 buildings away) and find myself working like a mad woman to keep up with final exams, presentations, papers, and, of course, projects.  The last couple of weeks have been a whirl of moving boxes, Adobe Illustrator and Loteria.  I just kicked one project in the seams that has been tormenting my life over the past three weeks: my first ever infographic.  "What", might you ask, "is an infographic?"  Well, let me tell you.  It is a way to convey information through the use of graphics.  Sounds easy enough, right?  Pssh.  I wish.  I decided to do my infographic on the Evolution of Eyewear, seeing how I have been a crafter of lenses for the past few years.  Considering that all I know about Illustrator has come from just playing around with it and begging friends to help me out from time to time (for which I am so incredibly grateful!) my little project turned out pretty okay.  There are some changes I would love to make if I had the time, patience, and experience, but all things considering, I'm pretty proud of myself.

 There is always room for improvement, but like I said, I'm pretty okay with it as my first attempt at an infographic. 
  Though there hasn't been much chance to work on anything Phina related I have some pretty exciting projects coming up in October and I will post more of my final projects next week, and then hopefully be able to report back regarding my super awesome grades in a few weeks.  For now, I hope this will suffice any Phina fix that has been needed out there in the world.
  As always, please feel free to give me any feedback regarding The Phina Project, my infographic, final projects, whatever area you feel feedback is needed in my life.


  1. I love your Eyewear Evolution! I think it came out great!

  2. Thanks! I was pretty pleased:) Thanks for the idea, it was fabulous!
